020 8150 6119

Property Visits

 Have you Booked Yours in?

Visiting your rental property during the tenancy is not uncommon. It offers reassurance to you as the landlord and gives your tenant the opportunity to flag up any issues they may not have got around to mentioning/have on a list and are getting around to highlighting to you.

These visits are also beneficial to the upkeep of your property.

We would suggest visits are carried out 6 monthly to allow quiet enjoyment to your tenant.

Tenants must remember even with these visits in place, it is still their responsibility to flag any concerns to the landlord as soon as they can. Tenants can be held liable for any damage caused to the property for not highlighting potential issues in a timely manner.

Helpful tips; It is good to check ceilings for any signs of water leaks or damage, windows and window surrounds for any damp, mould and/or condensation as well as any outside walls for water type marks.  Take a look to see if there are any visible leaks to appliances (washing machines/dishwashers) and kitchen and bathroom water outlets along with any radiators and boilers.  Check all doors are opening and closing freely and locks are working securely.  Check the water flow in your home to make sure drains are running freely and are clear from smells and that gutters are not blocked and there are no leaks or broken sections.  This is also a perfect time to re-check all smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are in working order.