020 8150 6119

Loss of Power in your Home?

In this particularly hot weather it is very tempting to have electric fans on throughout the day and night. However please do be mindful, not only of the electricity you will be using whilst your fan is cooling you down but also running electrical appliances for long periods of time can lead to a possible power outage or a fuse tripping. This in turn can cause issues with your sockets and electricity supply.

Should you experience a power shortage in your home, please check the fuseboard to see if you have tripped a switch. 

It may be that an electrical appliance you have plugged in is faulty, which will cause the electrical circuit to kick into safety mode and trip the switch causing electricity to be shut down in your home. If this does happen, test any appliance/s which were used at the time of the outage, this to eliminate the problem appliance and to get your electrics back up and running. The electrics will trip when the faulty appliance is switched on.

If you do find it is an appliance causing the power to shut down, please refrain from using this appliance moving forward and once the trip switch is flicked back on, you should have your power back.

If you are using electric fans during the hot days and nights, please do remember to turn your fan off when you go to sleep as although it should be safe to run, it is not recommended and as appliances get older they become less reliable. 

It may also be possible there is a power cut in your area, if you have no power at all to your property.